I knew it would happen...but Grant is growing up! There are certain things that as they pass, your little one grows up just a little bit more. A little over a year ago I remember thinking that there were three things that Grant needed to accomplish before Aubrie was born. We needed to get him into a big boy bed, potty train him, and get rid of his binkie. Well, those things didn't happen before Aubrie was born, but she is almost a year old (I can't believe it!) and he has successfully made it past all of those milestones!
The big boy bed was easy. He loved his big bed from the very beginning.
Potty training was a totally different story! The first try was a
major fail, and the second try wasn't pleasant but it got the job done. He is now wearing big boy undies!
The last hurdle was the binkie! He was very attached to them. Starting at a young age we limited his binkie use to only while he was sleeping or in the car on long trips. If we hadn't have done that I think we might have tried to get rid of it sooner, but since he only used it while he was sleeping, it didn't bother me too much. We took him to the dentist a little while ago and they mentioned that his teeth didn't meet in the front probably because he used a binkie. It was time! I really dreaded it! But to our surprise...he did great! We told him that the binkie fairy was going to come and take his binkies for little kids who still needed them and she would give him a big boy present instead. He was super excited about his big boy gift, and we never heard another word about binkies! If only everything in parenting could be that easy!
Not really a milestone, but just an indicator of how big he is getting...he got to cut Poppop's hair! We are always trying to show Grant that getting a haircut isn't that big of a deal. So Poppop let him do his. Props to my dad!
I just can't believe how time has gone by. My little boy is becoming a big boy! He is so much fun, and we get so much joy out of being with him each day.