Wednesday, May 16, 2012

A Dream Come True

When I was in high school, my mom took my brother and me snow skiing for the first time.  She got us a half day lesson, and then we spent the rest of the time skiing together. It was fun. After that, I went snow skiing a few times with my friends...who had all been skiing their whole lives...and it wasn't too much fun anymore. I spent the whole time trying to catch up, which meant I needed to go faster, which meant I fell down a lot! I decided that I didn't like snow skiing. (I have to make the distinction, because I love water skiing! :)) I quickly added "Does NOT like to snow ski" to my list for my future husband.

Fast forward a few years, and I am married to someone who LOVES to ski. He not only loves to ski, but he is really good at it! He was on the speed skiing team in high school and then coached the team in college. He keeps track of the number of days he skis in a season, which at times I think has been over 50. He really likes to ski! It was his family's main activity in the winter when he was growing up.

When we got together I was dreading going skiing with him. I knew there would be no way out of it though if our relationship was going to last any time at all. So...I went with him. He was so patient and always made sure that I was comfortable. He stayed with me on the easy runs and let me stand by and watch as he amazed me on the difficult runs. The first year we were married, I went skiing more than I had my entire life up to that point. I have come to the point where I like to ski. I will never like if as much as him, and I will never be even close to as good as him, but it is something we can do together.

One of the things that Paul has been so excited about doing with our kids is, of course, snow skiing. He dreams of family weekends up at Mt. Ashland. We got our first taste of it a few weeks ago. Grant went skiing! He has these cute little skis that strap onto his regular boots. Paul would hold him between his legs and down the mountain they would go. Grant was a little hesitant at first, but eventually loved it! His favorite part was riding the "forklift". When it was time to go he did not want to leave! We even met up with one of Paul's good skiing buddies. He loved being up there with his son and skiing friend. Here are some pictures from our fun day. It was beautiful and sunny. A perfect day to ski. Some day Mommy and Aubrie will be up there with him, trying to keep up!


  1. so fun!!! Glad pauls dreams are coming true!

  2. What a fun post!! Almost makes me wish I still skiied :)
