Friday, December 17, 2010

That's what I like about me...

Day 23: Favorite Things About Myself

Well I am a few days behind on my posting, and I think it's because I didn't want to write on this topic. Why is it that people have a difficult time admitting things they like about themselves? I sure do! I'll give it my best though.
First of all, I need to respectfully give all credit to God who is the One that created me and everything I am. He has given me a wonderful appreciation for family. Not everyone loves their family as much as I do. I like that about myself.
I also like that I am a stay at home mom. God gave me that desire a long time ago, and I am so blessed to be living my dream at this moment. I don't know how long God will have this in His plans for me, but I will enjoy it as long as it lasts.
The last thing I like about myself is that God has given me the desire to love Him with all my heart. It seems like most people go through a time in their life where they stray a little from God and do their own thing. I honestly don't think that I have ever gone through a stage like that. Not that I have been perfect all my life, but I do think that I have always had a love for the things of God. I am very thankful for that! It has saved me a lot of heartache.
I don't know if these kind of things were exactly what was intended for this topic, but they were the traits that I feel the Lord has given me that are ultimately important.

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